
Something New ♥

So, this is the deal.  I will be a quarter of a century this year and it is only right that I count it DOWN! The big 2-5. This is one of those big steps. The time that you stop marking the under 25 box  and become a proud marker of the 25-30 box. Now, I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this change in my life. Its like that point where you relinquish more of your inner child and exchange it for grow-up responsibilities. yeah. eww. Not too happy about that. I find myself contemplating whether or not you have to now act more refined and not do the things you once did. If that’s the case, I  just wont fit in with the other boring 25 year olds because  I refuse to give up any inch of that. I have always vowed to remain lively, fun, and youthful no matter how much my age continues to display a decline in that. From now until December 20, 2011 I am attempting to do “something new” everyday. Im not speaking in terms of the movie, although I wouldn’t mind that. I mean something I have never done or something that forces me to step outside of my box. That under 25 box. Its only right that I start now because it is only a matter of time until I truly step out of that box forever. So glasses up, and cheers *ting* to stepping out of the box!

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