
SO....Im new to this....

I was recently introduced to this whole blogging thing by a good friend of mine. The thought of publicly sharing information makes me a little apprehensive, but I thought I would give it a try. So here we go!

Currently I am finding a new me out in Texas. I have been here for about 10 months now and my what an experience it has been. I mean talk about about a 180 degree change in regards to a life changing event. Last year at this time I was just graduating from the best university out there...UCF...always a Knight! Now, I am about to finish my first year in law school and my goodness where has the time gone? I mean really, they say time flies but where was I when time was ever here? I feel like this year has went by more than fast and in some ways I am very thankful that it did. It has been a tough year, but I have learned through this year and experience that there is nothing that I can't handle. It is currently final exam week and I am taking a quick break to blog....its kind of a good release after having my head buried in a book all day!

This is the first of many blogs and I am excited to see how this whole blog thing goes...sidenote: are you suppose to blog everyday or what are the rules...or are there rules...a little confused! I guess you could say I am trying to practice "proper blog etiquette" if there is such a thing.



  1. Go you!!!! I can't wait to see what WhitJen will have to add to the blogosphere!

  2. There really isn't a particular etiqutte as far as blogging daily or whatever subjects. I personally blog when I get the feeling which is sometimes every day, sometimes weeks apart.

    Welcome to the blogosphere. Props on your being in Law School.
